Проблема с выполнением контрольной работы. Нужна Ваша помощьАнглийский язык

[sponsor=/4gr/mesto_120x20.png] Орфография английского языка считается одной из самых трудных для изучения среди индоевропейских. Известный лингвист Макс Мюллер назвал английскую орфографию «национальным бедствием».
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 Проблема с выполнением контрольной работы. Нужна Ваша помощь

Сообщение Fibi »

Дико извиняюсь, но у меня такая проблема. В институте нужно сдать контрольную по английскому, а знаю я его очень-очень плохо (в школе изучала немецкий, на 1,2 курсе англ преподовали как попало, вобщем ничего практически не знаю). Очень нужна ваша помощь! кто разбираеться, пожалуйста сделайте вот эти задания, если не сложно. Буду очень благодарна! они вроде бы не трудные и все однотипные, но я совершенно не разбираюсь((( Для знающих английски, я думаю, это будет совсем легко! Очень нужна ваша помощь! заранее спасибо!

1. Choose the suitable verb form (Infinitive):
A: 1. Jane didn’t come to the meeting yesterday. She may (fall, have fallen) ill, something unexpected may (happen, be happening, have happened).
2. The criminal must (be, to be) a very experienced one since nothing has been found so far. He must (watch, be watching, have been watching) his victim (жертва) for a long time (to find, to have found) just a good time (to strike, to be striking). You must (be, to be) wrong in thinking that the inspector hasn’t discovered any evidence (доказательство). He must (discover, be discovering, have discovered) something for he has given orders (to arrest, to have arrested) a certain Smith. I think he must (close, be closing, have been closing) the preliminary investigation (расследование).
B: 1. He is sure (to send, to be sent, to have sent) to London.
2. The students are happy (to give, to have given, to have been given) only good and excellent marks at the exams. 3. No words can describe it: it must (see, be seen, have seen). 4. I am happy (to praise, to have praised, to have been praised) for my work.

2. Insert the particle “to” where necessary:
1. I could feel the blood … leave my face in a rush. 2. He was made … do his work independently. 3. She seems … know a great deal about music. 4. I’ll have him … tell the truth. 5. I shall try … make the thing … word. 6. They watched Esthar … return after times. 7. You needn’t … ask for permission, I let you … take my books whenever you like. 8. I’d rather … walk a little before going to bed. 9. He told me … try … do it once again. 10. Why not … start out now. 11. He was seen … make a note of it. 12. We had better … make haste.

3. Correct the mistakes:
Linda, a girl of thirty, wanted any young handsome man propose (делать предложение) to her. But nobody turned up and she only her dreams to be cheering her up.
It was midnight, she was lying on the couch, her eyes were closed and she was dreaming about her prince who was sure to have come.
It was quite dark in the room and suddenly she felt a gentle (мягкий, тихий) wind to blow and then heard somebody to enter the room.
She opened her eyes and saw a young handsome man to be leaning over her dressing-table (to lean – наклоняться). It must to be him, the prince, she had been dreaming of for such a long time. And she burst out crying and saying: “Darling! Dearest! You’ve come at last!” These words made him to shudder. “I’m no darling of yours”, protested the man. “But yes, you are!” answered Linda with determination. And she tried embrace (обнимать) him. “Leave me alone, can’t you to see, I’m no boyfriend, of yours! I’m only a burglar (вор-взломщик)! And Linda saw the young man to rush out of the room.

4. Translate into English:
1. Новости, опубликованные в газете «Правда» очень интересовали нас. 2. Так как он был большим любителем музыки, он посещал почти все концерты. 3. Купив билет на поезд в 3:15, я отправился домой упаковывать свои вещи. 4. Слышали, как студенты обсуждали какой-то важный вопрос. 5. Я хочу отремонтировать квартиру весной. 6. Мне интересно беседовать с носителями языка. 7. Он почувствовал, что голос у него дрожит. 8. Вряд ли он поступит в институт. Он очень ленив. 9. Я подошел к девушке, стоявшей у окна. 10. Дети, которые играли во дворе, ушли домой.

5. Open the brackets. Use Gerund in the appropriate forms. Add prepositions where necessary.
1. I have no objections (to ask) about it.
2. Pardon me (to trouble) you with my personal affairs.
3. I suspect him (to forget) his promise.
4. I had no opportunity (to speak) to Agnes.
5. We approve your friend’s (to ask) about it.
6. They reproached us (not to come) to the party.

6. Use Participle I in the appropriate form or Participle II.
1.While (to correct) the student’s test-papers, the teacher underlined the mistakes with a red pencil.
2.(to correct) the test-papers, the teacher returned them to the students.
3.(to confuse) by the joke, she blushed.
4.The students had to analyze the forms (to write) in italics.
5.If (to ask) about my plane, please say that I shall spend my vacation at Teberda.
6.(to write) the letter she decided to post it.

7.Complete the following sentences, using the Conditional Mood in principal clause and translate them into Russian.
1.If Spencer had not flown fighters in the war………………………………
2.If Doctor Baird were not experienced……………………………………..
3.If Janet Benson had not helped Spencer……………………………………
4.If the captain had not eaten fish…...……………………………………….
5.If Spencer were not brave………………………………………………..

8.Make up the sentences of unreal condition.
Model: The fish served on board was not fresh that’s why many people were poisoned.
If the fish served on board had been fresh the people wouldn’t been poisoned.
1.George Spencer had flown fighters in the war that’s why he agreed to land the plane.
2.George Spencer did not have fish for dinner that’s why he was not taken ill.
3.George Spencer had flown tiny fighters in the war that’s why he was afraid of handling a multi-engine airliner.
4.The plane was on automatic pilot that’s why George Spencer had enough time to examine the instruments.
5.The flying characteristics of the big aircraft were completely different that’s why George Spencer felt himself in the grip of an icy despair.

9.Paraphrase the following complex sentences using simple sentences with ”But for…”
Model: If it hadn’t been for Doctor Baird all the sick passengers would have died.
But for Doctor Baird all the sick passengers would have died.
1.If it hadn’t been for food poisoning nothing would have happened.
2.If it hadn’t been for Janet’s help George Spencer wouldn’t have landed the plane.
3.If it hadn’t been for Spencer’s courage the passengers wouldn’t have been saved.
4.If it hadn’t been for an automatic pilot the plane would have crashed.
5.If it hadn’t been for Janet there would have been a panic.

10.Open the brackets using the right form of the Conditional Mood.
1.If Spencer hadn’t had meat for dinner he (to be taken) ill too.
2.If Doctor Baird was not experienced he (not to help) the passengers much.
3.If the captain hadn’t switched the plane on automatic pilot it (to crash) inevitably.
4.If there had been no pilot on board the passengers (to be destined) to die a terrible death.
5.If Janet was not so efficient there (to be) a panic on board.

11. Translate into English.
1.Если бы не туман, капитан посадил бы самолёт сразу же, как только он узнал об отравлении.
2.Если бы доктор Берд знал, что произойдёт, он бы захватил с собой побольше лекарств.
3.Если бы пассажиры знали, что оба пилота без сознания, на борту началась бы паника.
4.Если бы у доктора Берда были нужные лекарства, он бы не чувствовал себя беспомощным.
5.Если бы Спенсер не был лётчиком во время войны, он бы не сумел посадить самолёт.
6.Если бы не его мужество, пассажиры бы погибли.
7.Если бы не помощь Поля Треливена, Джорж Спенсер не справился бы с управлением четырёхмоторного лайнера.

12.Define the meaning of the modal verbs. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1.That long wait at Toronto must have tired them out (A.Hailey)
2.She slipped away before Pete could retort (A.Hailey)
3.The poisoning may have been caused by the fish served on board at dinner (A.Hailey)
4.My God, I can’t have fallen in love with him (W.S.Maugham)
5.Her articulation was so distinct that, without raising her voice, she could make you hear her every word in the last row of the gallery (W.S.Maugham)
6.She was to wait in the lobby while Michael saw the great man (W.S.Maugham)
7.But I shall have to pay three pounds out of my pocket.

13.Correct the following sentences using the appropriate form of the Infinitive.
1.Her performance might be a failure because she looks upset.
2.The performance was to take place on Sunday but the leading man fell ill and it had to be put off.
1.Can she really enter into the part so that the audience admired her and burst into applause?
2.If she had been given the lead last summer she could play it brilliantly.
3.The company must go on tour already to Moscow as there was a lot of gossip over the coming performances.
4.You might spare her feelings because she has fallen short in her Desdemona.
5.They had to have put off the performance because of an ailing leading lady.
6.Can the Bolshoi Theatre arrive in Irkutsk last summer?
7.You might bring me a ticket earlier then I should have come before the curtains rose.
8.She must fall short in her Lady Macbeth last night, because doesn’t sound happy.
9.If you had called on me yesterday we could go to the theatre together.

14.Translate the following sentences into English using different modal verbs.
1.У них сейчас должна быть генеральная репетиция.
2.Возможно, один из московских театров приедет в Иркутск на гастроли летом.
3.Жаль, что вы не смогли отрепетировать эту пьесу лучше.
4.Вы могли бы пригласить меня на премьеру. Вы прекрасно знаете, как я люблю Чехова.
5.Если бы ей дали интересную роль, она могла бы раскрыть свой талант.
6.Нам пришлось извиниться за опоздание, т.к. наш автобус опоздал на 15 минут. Если бы мы взяли такси, мы могли бы тогда приехать во время.
7.Пьеса должна была появиться через месяц, поэтому всем актёрам пришлось много потрудиться, чтобы она имела успех.

15.Make up the sentences around the following statement expressing astonishment, reproach, supposition.
She was a complete failure last night.

16.Define the meanings of the modal verbs and translate the sentences into Russian.
1.Stewardess Janet Benson prepared for dinner a meal that she should have served two hours earlier (A. Hailey)
2.“There ought to be an inquiry” (A.Hailey)
3.She knew that something was wrong, but he would not tell her what it was (W.S.Maugham)
4.Michael often took Tom to the play in the evenings; they would fetch Julia after the performance (W.S. Maugham)
5.Shall I get you some fresh coffee, Tom?
6.By God, she shall have the part, Julia said out loud (W.S.Maugham)

17.Correct the following sentences using the right modal verbs.
1.I asked Pete to take Ann to the rehearsal but he shouldn’t listen to me.
2.You mustn’t have injured her feelings, she feels upset after having been denied a leading part.
3.He needn’t have spent so much money. Now he hasn’t got any to pay the rent.
4.You didn’t spare her feelings. You would take the consequences.

18. Make up sentences around the following statement expressing criticism of a past action, absence of necessity referring to the past, volition.
Julia put much of her self into the part.

19.Translate the following sentences into English.
1.Вы должны были предупредить нас заранее, что не приедете на репетицию. Мы бы вас не ждали.
2.Вам не надо было так спешить. У нас ещё много времени до начала спектакля.
3.Войдя в роль, он бывало, затмевал всех актёров в труппе.
4.Я просила её не ездить на гастроли, но она и слушать не хотела.
5.Она была такой невнимательной, такой грубой со своим партнёром. Она ещё пожалеет об этом.

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